Thursday 26 June 2014

Silver Nemesis

After being really impressed by The Curse of Fenric yesterday, I decided to delve deeper into the Seventh Doctor's era, this time to another story to feature The Seventh Doctor and Ace. Silver Nemesis is the Twenty Fifth Anniversary Special and unfortunately that is its problem. It does not feel like a special. There are Cybermen, they needed to be there for the Silver anniversary, but apart from that there is little tribute to the shows history. This is a real shame as JNT put so much effort into The Five Doctors and possibly something similar would have given the show the publicity it needed to support the show during its darkest hours.

The other thing is that the story is not that original. It is the exact same story as in Remembrance of the Daleks but with Cybermen not Daleks (some ancient Timelord object being hidden by The Doctor that lots of people are chasing after The Hand of Omega and Nemesis). Other problems include the American tourist, the social worker hating people and the Cybermen's allergy to gold.

Now that was all that was bad about Silver Nemesis now the good. It is action packed from the beginning and the action scenes are very gripping. The Cybermen look brilliant, the best looking version of them in colour. Lady Peinforte is a very intriguing character and The Doctor and Ace are electric together. It is a very fun story and thus enjoyable. The Doctor is so mysterious in this story and I love the time travel element.

This is a fun enjoyable story with a couple of flaws in the writing but the main problem is that it is such a missed opportunity and it is clear that it is a missed opportunity by the constant subtle references to the past but nothing there to really celebrate (but The Doctor and the Cybermen).
