Tuesday 17 June 2014

Last of the Colophon

One of my biggest problems with the third season of Tom Baker audios is that, unlike the first season with Leela, it did not feel that authentic to the time. It felt too modern. The Seventh Doctor is for dark, complicated stories about The Doctor taking on Gods and Monsters, The Eight Doctor's era is about the chaos which makes a good man go to war but I want the Fourth Doctor Adventures to be authentic. Last of the Colophon does not disappoint.

I guess the brief to the writer must have been 'think of a classic science fiction or horror film that Doctor Who did not cover in the 1970s (an idea eluded to in the behind the scene features) - The Invisible Man. This story is so authentic, using different themes and ideas from the mid 1970s, I spent most of the release wondering which story this part reflected (Hand of Fear, Planet of Evil...) as well as enjoying this release.

The main problem with the story is that a few elements are quite predictable. From the beginning we can infer that Morax has something to do with the end of his species and that he is not entirely good, just from his relationship with the sadistic nurse.

The characters are good in this, nothing special, nothing memorable but good enough to keep the story flowing. Overall I really enjoyed this release, mainly due to how authentic it is. I may not have been able to have watched Doctor Who in 1977 but it brought my mind back to that era, hopefully there are more stories like this to come.
