Monday 26 May 2014

The Fires of Pompeii

The Fires of Pompeii (Or a multi doctor story featuring The Twelfth Doctor (using the fob watch) and Klein, The Eleventh Doctor (working from the sidelines) and Amy (posing as a soothsayer), The Tenth Doctor and Donna).

The story itself is really strong with only a few historical inaccuracies (not talking about the Pyroviles and the volcano) for example Caecilius was actually a banker not a stone sales man. Apart from that it is a strong story with a very large cast but due to skilled writing and direction the story does not feel overcrowded. There are a lot of great character moments especially with the guest cast building up to those epic final scenes with Donna in the TARDIS and The Doctor saving Caecilius. Additionally the special effects in this story are very good (probably some of the best CGI of the RTD era with the eruption). THe story is very good but there is something missing from it which limits it. It needed something else (possibly more time, I do not know) to turn this into a great story.
